A Look Into My Tiger Painting Process
Here is your chance to take a peek at the steps involved in this tiger painting process. While working on my first commission of the year, I decided to take a lot of photos and ventured out to a YouTube Live video last night. I’m embedding it below so you can watch. Before I forget, I want to thank the talented Terence Porter for the wonderful reference photo.
The First Few Steps
To me, it’s never too appealing in the beginning but look at the last one where this tiger starts coming together from the underpainting. That is not the finished piece either, so the underpainting steps are worth it to me.
Tiger Painting Process Video
Here is a video between step 5 and 6 when this painting really starts coming together. Hope you enjoy it.
Although my weekend is getting full, I’m hoping to finish this before my ARt Biz Master Class next week.
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