Meet the Purifying Goddess Painting
Have you seen the new original paintings released in my new Purification Series? You can find them and more details along with this Purifying Goddess painting under the Surreal Abstract categories on my website here:

***Image Note: Although I use professional editing programs to get my photos to appear as close to the original as possible, I’m having issues with my new computer displaying color and clarity properly. The color is pretty close on this, but I’m not happy with the clarity. Meanwhile, I’ll be working on getting better images.
Realism or Abstracts
Which do you prefer, Realism or Abstract paintings? Although I plan to continue my realism style, I wanted to offer something a little bit different and plan to add a little more to this series in the future. In addition to offering a wider selection to you, creating these paintings opens up my creativity too.
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For pricing and sizes, please follow the first link in the first paragraph.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Thank you for your continued support.
Tina Adams Stoffel