
The Inspiration
This Mother and Baby Dolphin, known as a calf or pup, swim alongside each other while hunting on the gulf coast of Florida.
About the Mother and Baby Dolphin Painting
Perfect for a grouping or smaller space, this painting measures 8 x 16 boasting the beautiful gulf Coast Florida waters. It is created with greenish-blue turquoise colors. For visual interest, the dolphins are painted with subtle shades of blue and lavender. Texture shows in the highlights due to the use of a painting knife.
Facts about a Mother and Baby Dolphin
According to the tour guide, the calf was estimated to be about 2 weeks old. What a treasure it was to see this. Dolphin calves stay with their mothers for approximately 2 yrs.
All of my artwork is hand-drawn and created with healing energy and it will remain with the painting throughout its life.
Wishing you all the best in life,
Tina Adams Stoffel
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