Sometimes life just throws you one challenge after another. It looks like it is our family’s turn this year.

It’s times like these that I need to take an extra minute to snap a good photo from the hospital and soak in the beauty around me.
What Happened
If you arent aware, my husband’s aorta tore 11 days ago. He is lucky to have survived the surgery, but there have been many complications including the loss of his ledt kidney’s function.

He is still in very critical condition in the Cardiac ICU. Yesterday they momentarily lost his pulse while having to reintubate him before a perforated ulcer surgery because it was leaking and giving him sepsis.
I always love inspiring others, but after they lost his pulse and stated he needed another emergency ulcer repair surgery, I had my own breakdown yesterday.
My concern is he was still recovering from major back sugery from New Years. It was hurting him to be in the bed but he wasn’t strong enough to get out of bed yet.
Three Surgeries in 7 months
Now hes had the aorta repair 11 days ago and a new surgery last night for the ulcer. I’m so concerned about his pain when they wake him up because over the weekend most of the pain was in his back. Plus, he was having ICU delerium and seeing bugs from the medication withdrawals.
What was beautiful is that he made it ok and I saw this beautiful sunset from the parking garage as I was leaving.
If you ever have a loved one going through something so severe, I will tell you the medication withdrawals or some of the hardest things to watch. It helps to have someone they’re close to there for them so that they can reassure them and that they know they’re safe.
I just ask that you please take care of your health. There is no food worth going through this no matter how good it tastes and no amount of stress including your job or life matters, worth going through this no matter how much you think you need a perform. I’ve never seen anyone in so much pain.
Love and light to all of you.
Tina Adams Stoffel