My Wild Life
Exhibition and Book Release
Order your original copy here: My Wild Life Book
View this powerful and motivating My Wild Life artist talk here. It’s a bit long but full of inspiration.
Venue: RobertKent Galleries
Address: 85 Church Street
Marietta, GA 30064
Phone: 770-630-7193

© My Wild Life Book Cover Copyright Protected
The first round of books have been privately printed and are currently available on this website where you can also view the related collectible paintings. You can view and order them here:
The online order option is still working through pre-press kinks. It’s more challenging and requires more time, but it is planned for the future. If you would like to know exactly when, please sign up for my newsletter which is how I will notify everyone.
About the My Wild Life Project
My Wild Life is a project that was born in Alyson Stanfield’s masterclass, February 2019. Although this masterclass was art-focused, it went much deeper resulting in an accompanying book.
Never Give Up is the primary encouraging message in My Wild Life. The purpose of this project is multidimensional. While this book aims to help readers understand my art and journey, it also strongly encourages others to overcome challenges and traumas as well as pursue their dreams and passions.
My Wild Life is a true and inspirational story with a symbolic painting representing each chapter. These paintings vary from sizes 24 x 30 to 48 x 60 inches focusing on using colors, imagination, and images to convey a message. Each painting is similar to a Spirit Animal but doesn’t necessarily fall within the confines of the true spirit animal meaning. It’s rather symbolic of specific events.
The best way to get an understanding of these upcoming paintings is to come to the exhibition and read the book. While creating these paintings, I felt guided. Images that weren’t planned started appearing in some of these works. It was incredible to watch this happen. During this process, I’ve grown both as an artist and an individual.
What to expect from the My Wild Life Book
- Encouragement
- Humor
- Sadness
- Motivation
- Courage
Subjects discussed in the My Wild Life Book
- Verbal Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Bullying
- Love
- Loss-Death
- Poverty
- Suicide
- Spirituality
- Self Discovery
- Drugs
- Light Sexual Encounters
I believe we all have a story to tell. Some are worse than others and some are better. My story starts in early childhood when I discovered my love of art. Although starting from early childhood when I had countless setbacks through traumas and challenges, I’ve now beat those setbacks and am happier than ever to be pursuing my lifetime passion, something I had once given up.
Helping encourage other people to keep pushing through traumas and hard times through this book and exhibition is my goal. After a teenage struggle with suicide, I had an experience that helped me get back on track. Since I healed from my teenage depression I’ve always felt I wanted to help others.
Through having teens of my own, I’m discovering depression is widespread among teenagers, and I’ve also lost some friends to suicide and drug abuse related to depression. Again, I’m hoping that my story of perseverance will encourage others to see the light at the end of their tunnel too.
This exhibition was delayed in May 2020 when the COVID pandemic shut many things down. Having been a first-time author, I wasn’t aware of the in-depth process of the book editing process which took a lot of time. My goal is to get this on public platforms after further editing. Meanwhile, I chose to self-publish and print with a local printer to get the book ready for the exhibition.
We Donated 20% of the proceeds from the exhibition painting and book sales to liveSafe Resources, Cobb County Georgia’s largest shelter for abused, women, children, and elders.
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Tina A Stoffel
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