More Live Painting and New Art
It was so much fun painting this new Lazy Days painting live last weekend that I’m going to doing more live painting starting tomorrow at RobertKent Galleries.
Live Painting Details
Except for the following two weeks when I’ll be on vacation, I’ll be painting live for a couple of hours 10am-12pm during the Marietta Square Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. Look for me in front of or inside (weather) on Saturdays:
When: Saturdays
Where: RobertKent Gallieries
85 Church Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Time: 10am-12pm excluding July 19 & 26, 2019
When you get the chance to stop by, feel free to ask me about my upcoming book and 2020 exhibition.
Have a great weekend.
Tina A Stoffel