October 16th Hurricane Relief Art Sale

Because I have a strong connection to Southwest Florida, I'm holding a huge Hurricane Relief Art Sale. As I explain below, some of the areas I'm very familiar with are completely devastated. I am donating 30% of my proceeds from many artworks that will be deeply discounted.
The Details
- Date: Sunday, October 16, 2022
- Time: 3:00 pm
- Where: Facebook Live
- Bonus*** I will donate 20% of any items I don’t offer in the sale, contingent on any art gallery agreements.
I will be posting more images that are included in the sale, but won’t be able to add all of them. Follow my Social Media pages to see them.
Currently, I’m still wrapping up research as to what charity I’ll be donating to, but I’ve been told food and gas are sparse. Therefore, I’m strongly considering the Harry Chapin Food Bank.
Why this is so important to me
Firstly, many including some long-time friends, have lost every single thing they had including homes, cars, clothing, and personal possessions. Many are still without power and water. They can’t even take a shower. Thankfully Tide has sent huge trucks to help survivors with laundry.
Although I currently am not living in the Naples Fort-Myers area, I want to give you a little background on my connection.
For those of you who have read my self-published book, My Wild Life, you will understand, for those of you who haven’t, here is the scoop.
My Connection to Ground Zero-Fort Myers Florida
In the mid-’90s, I moved to Ft. Myers, Florida to start my adult life working at 6 different places plus the cruise ships on Ft. Myers Beach. Guess what? It’s all gone except one building which has also sustained a large amount of damage. Although I worked for the local newspaper and phone company, I made more money working on the beach. It’s the only way I survived before moving to Naples, Florida for a grown-up position as a manager for a real estate company.
How Hurricane Ian Impacted Me
I feel like Hurricane Ian took a big piece of my heart with it. I desperately want to help these people and the best way I can think of is to have a huge art sale. As standard practice and in order to be fair to my collectors, I do not put my art on sale. However, due to the impact of this hurricane, I’ve made a rare exception.
Where I Am Donating
Because the State of Florida has set up so many valuable resources and already making strides in recovery, I will be donating to the Florida Sate Disaster Fund. You can read about the amazing work they are doing here: Official Florida State Disaster Relief
How You Can Help For Free
It’s free to share, so I ask you, to please help me share this and spread the news. I can only help if I have a lot of eyes on this to create sales.