While dropping my son off for tutoring early this week I was stuck in traffic on the way back. As I glanced over to the side I saw something in the dead leaves on the ground that sort of blended in but at the same time stood out just a little bit to me. When I noticed it was an owl sitting there I knew something was wrong, But I couldn’t stop in the heavily backed up traffic.

I waited for a little over an hour when I knew the traffic would thin out after school and the morning rush then I went back to check. Sure enough, this sweetheart was still sitting there.
She let me pick her up and only fluttered her wings for a moment Then she seemed comfortable being held up against my chest. I noticed that her right eye wouldn’t open but she seemed to look at me with her left eye. She was very tired and sleepy.
The 1st thing I did was put her in my car was call my vet. He said that owls shouldn’t be lovable and friendly and she’s likely pretty injured. Thank you to the Marietta Vet Clinic, https://www.mariettavetclinic.

By now I had already checked out the Chattahoochee Nature Center near us but they didn’t open until 10 o’clock. Since it was a little after 9 and the drive was about 45 minutes I headed straight to the Chattahoochee Nature Center, https://www.chattnaturecenter.
The wildlife rehabilitation center there took her right away. Although it took a couple of days I found out on their Facebook page that she is actually blind in both eyes has a broken beak and I think the muscles were torn from her wings.
I am remaining optimistic that I can help save the sweetheart who they said is a barred owl.
I believe if they can keep her alive that she will live on-site for the remainder of her years.
My love for animals of all kinds is the reason I create wildlife art. You can see it here https://tinasfinearts.com/
Yes, I’m considering painting her.
Thank you for reading this post.
Tina Adams Stoffel