Wings of Hope

Wings of Hope original golden angel wing painting by Tina Adams Stoffel

November 30 Gratitude Prompt

This is the last gratitude challenge for this month, but it is never to late to start practicing gratitude. It’s the quickest way to shift a negative mindset. I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received from friends and family this year. Wishing you a wonderful and safe holiday season. Tina Adams Stoffel

November 6 2021 Gratitude Challenge

Well, I’m not sure if I can pick a favorite because it changes depending on the time of year and my overall mood. As I wrote in my book, ever since I was a child I enjoyed playing in the fields, water, and the woods where I grew up in the Midwest. Obviously, once I […]

October 14 2021 Motivation

October 14 2021 Motivation When painting, my mindset shifts becoming more present while developing a deep focus on the subject. Often it feels that I’m in harmony with the subject whether it be water or an animal and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing and my studio today. Updates coming soon Wishing you a wonderful […]

September 24 2021 Quote

Happy Friday This is one of my favorite art quotes. I hope you enjoy it too. Wishing you all the best. Tina Adams Stoffel

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