A Year in Accomplishments and Art
How was your year in 2018? I sure hope it treated you well. Like most, we had our ups and downs, but overall 2018 was very exciting. I always prefer to focus on the good, so I’m going to take you through a year of accomplishments and art. Here is a video that highlights those accomplishments.
Highlights this year
- Established with two Art Galleries: RobertKent Galleries and Simmertime Cafe and Art Gallery
- Created over 39 paintings
- Improved my skills (always, always improving)
- Met tons of new exciting people
- Made great connections
- Working harder on the business end to grow my art business.
Upcoming in 2019
- Teaching a class or two, so make sure you sign up for my newsletter to get the scoop
- Art Therapy-Stay tuned
- Continue growing my art business, which may include
- gallery expansion
- some travel
- Planning to focus on seascapes, pets and animals
- Continued learning
- Strengthen customer relationships
- New blog? Lookout for Home Health and Happiness
About My New Blog
Home Health and Happiness are things we all deal with in life. So I plan, if time permits, to write more about the experiences and advice I have relating to this. I’m trying to figure out how to tie it into this website so you won’t have to leave.
Some of the things it will focus on are:
- Home Tips such as: repair, decor, time savers, etc.
- Health-Fitness challenges, herbs, homeopathic, supplements, Healthy eating
- Happiness-Motivation, overcoming obstacles, general well being
- Of course, I’ll throw in some art here and there
I’m Thankful for You
In closing, I wish each and every one of you a wonderful healthy and happy New Year. Please know I am very thankful for your continued support. Without you, I wouldn’t grow to where I am today.
Tina A Stoffel