Since I prefer to post positive and uplifting things I have hesitated posting this, But I know many of you like to follow along the journey. this is awesome insight so I haven’t been able to create as much art.
A week ago Saturday, I had to take an emergency flight back to Georgia because my husband’s upper aorta tore. He was still recovering from a very intensive back surgery completed on New Year’s Eve.

I have been his caregiver through the back surgery and now will be his caregiver again as he heals from this open heart surgery.
To throw a twist into the mix my stepfather passed a month ago and and when I drove to Southwest Florida to console my mother my engine overheated.
I had just returned back to Florida to pick up my Van when I got the news that my husband had an emergency so we took the next emergency flight out.
I suppose one of these days I’ll get to get my Van back from the parking garage at the airport.
This is pulled me away from making art is often as I like, but right now I need to be there for my family.
I have never seen so many tubes go into one human being at a time.
His pain level was so much that they were sedating him with fentanyl.
Now he is having awful withdrawals which caused him to tremble uncontrollably and he confused, scared and is seeing bugs. It is really hard to watch, but I can see how crucially important it is to have a loved one there for your support.
I made this silly 4 leaf clover quicly in a dark hospital room for him to focus on if he sees the bugs. Plus it reminds him of how much I love him.

He likes me to hold his hand.

The positives are they took his central IV line out and the aortic IV line out yesterday.
His breathing tube came out Friday, However he’s still not allowed to eat or drink on his own and he cannot stand up on his own yet.
I’m focusing on every little bit of positive I can get so I will take these small gains as huge steps for us.
I’m thankful I know so many people through my history and my art business.
People from all over the world have been praying for him and it is helping.
This is a picture of my mom consoling him. His mother was unable to make it here because she had a scheduled surgery herself

I’m thankful for each and every one of you and your support.
Please take care of your health including what you eat, your stress levels and exercise. I’ve never seen anyone in so much pain and I don’t want anyone to have to go through this.
Love and light to all of you.
Tina Adams Stoffel